Entangled poetry is a new space where expression dares and explores playfully. It is a redefined use of language, stretching its scope and abilities to attempt to convey emotions greater than its deliverer and recipient. Poetry dances to musical notes, musical notes emerge from artistic expression, and artistic expression oozes spoken word. A holistic, enmeshed, and transformative experience, a journey that can be insightful, amusing, invigorating, and memorable. This cutting-edge delivery leverages the latest technologies to tell the story that speaks to the Soul rather than the avatar that hosts it. In other words, welcome to poetry on the blockchain, metaphysical speculations in prose forever encoded in the ether, and possibly, your unique, ethereal DNA!

Entanglement of Particles

What are Entangled Poems? Spoken-Word poetry, art, and music NFTs by Francesca.
What are NFT’s? Non-fungible tokens are digital representations of unique items that are not interchangeable. Each token is unique and has separate ownership and associated metadata, including proof of authenticity. Examples of non-fungible tokens include media collectibles, artwork, music, game items, and real estate.
Where do I buy, sell or trade Entangled Poetry? Currently on Rarible and OpenSea
How do I buy on these exchanges? A complete guide on how to set up and use a Metamask Wallet which will enable you to purchase, trade, and sell on various exchanges. Metamask FAQ's.

Francesca is a mother, wife, and relentless thinker. She was born and raised in Venice, Italy. She studied oriental languages at the University Ca'Foscari until a life-changing trip to the United States changed the course of her life. On her last night in Los Angeles, she attended a rapturing show where she met her soulmate and now husband of 21 years. While her deep love for her husband amplified her passion for writing, she always had a fondness for beautiful words, rhyme, and metaphysics. Philosophical quests and controversial spiritual and occult inquiries spiral and interweave her everyday enterprises, culminating in hours of research, self-analysis, and more writing. In 2014, Francesca self-published a love poetry chapbook, Special Someone. Today, the mother of two amazing young men, she is committed to supporting them in their quest for self-fulfillment and singular expression.